Powerfully simple performance and
privacy tools to clean up your PC.
Clean and optimize your PC. With
powerfully simple performance and privacy tools, PC Tools Registry Mechanic
cleans your computer to keep it fast, private and healthy. Optimization and
privacy tools fix Windows® errors, wipe computer usage, and shred deleted
items. Best of all, PC Tools Registry Mechanic delivers a simple, intuitive
experience that everyone can enjoy.
PC Tools Registry Mechanic Features:
*Clean and Compact Registry. Speed
up your PC by cleaning and repairing errors.
*Optimize Windows®. Speed up
Windows with PC Tools’ preset optimizations.
*Clear Cookies and Browser History.
Erases Internet activities from your browsers.
*Clear Browser Passwords and Form
Data. Erases saved passwords and form information.
*Clear Temporary and Deleted Files.
Free up hard drive space by clearing unused files.
*Clear Recent File History. Erases
your recently opened files lists.
*Shared Files. Permanently shreds
files and folders from your computer.
*Bleach Disks. Permanently wipes
your deleted files, making them unrecoverab

File Size: (17 MB)
Password : LinkSolver.co.cc

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