Struggling British filmmaker Sue McKinley (Alice Patten) comes across the diary
of her grandfather, Mr. McKinley (Steven Mackintosh), who served as a
jailer in the Imperial Police during the Indian independence movement.
Through the diary, she learns about the story of five freedom fighters
who were active in the movement: Chandrasekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh,
Shivaram Rajguru, Ashfaqulla Khan, and Ram Prasad Bismil. McKinley, in
his diary,
states that he had met two type of people in his life: the first one...
who died without uttering a sound and the second kind ... who died with
lots of anguish.. crying over their deaths... McKinley reveals that it
was then that he met with the third kind....Having decided to make a
self-financed documentary film about these revolutionaries, Sue travels
to India, with the help of her friend, Sonia (Soha Ali Khan), from the
Institute for International Studies at the University of Delhi.
Genre: Comedy | Drama IMDB rating: 7.6/10 Directed by: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Starring: Aamir Khan, Soha Ali Khan, Sharmaan Joshi, Madhavan and Siddharth